


Hey, my name is Aly and this is my story…

I always wanted to travel long-term but, like most people my age, I worked hard at school, graduated from college and I landed (what I thought was) my ‘dream’ job.

I thought that getting a degree and a good job would make me happy, so happy that I wouldn’t want to travel long-term anymore.

How wrong was I? 

If anything, getting that degree and entering into the rat race made me want to travel even more.  

I didn’t hate my job as such but I did hate the feelings of constraint that came with it. For four years, I spent almost two hours commuting to an office where I was confined to sitting at a desk for 8 hours Monday to Friday.

My time wasn’t really mine anymore. I had to do something to change that. 

I handed in my two weeks notice at work, informed my colleagues I wouldn’t be coming back and I told my parents and friends that I was giving up my job to travel long-term. 

After some shrieks from my mum and attempts to talk me out of it by my dad, they supported my decision and agreed to keep all of my belongings in their attic. 

I bought a one-way ticket to Vietnam with a longing for adventure and a dream of building my own business. 

Three years later, I’ve already travelled to 43 countries and I’ve supplemented my income by carving out a career in freelance writing. 

If I’d listened to the naysayers and hadn’t taken that leap of faith, I’d still be sitting at my desk, unhappy and dreaming of lands far away. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my story, and I’m looking forward to sharing more with you through my writing. 

Aly X

I originally started Traveler Ahoy to keep my family and friends up to date on my travels and my new way of life.   

But it wasn’t long until my readership extended far beyond my mum and aunt Mary! Complete strangers started to comment on my posts and reach out to me for travel tips and advice.  From then on, I took a totally different direction with my blog and I started to use it as a platform to inform, educate, and inspire other people.

Follow Traveler Ahoy and you can expect stories from my travels and work life, valuable tips and advice about the places I visit and motivational pieces too.   

If you’ve any questions or would like to meet me for a coffee or a beer on the road, just send me a message and I’ll be sure to respond. 

All aboard…!! 🙂


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